As Maçãs Azuis selected for Porto Post Doc

As Maçãs Azuis, by Ricardo Leite was selected for the Porto Post Doc 2022 Spoken Film Competition. The film is produced by Red Desert.

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Home: The Country of Illusion selected to Festival Internacional de Cartagena

The new documentary directed by Josephine Landertinger, co-produced by Global Eyes Production and Red Desert, was selected to Festival Internacional de Cartagena, Colombia.


Shipwrecked selected to Caminhos do Cinema Português Festival

The film, a co-production between Red Desert - Curtas Vila do Conde CRL and directed by Pedro Neves, will be featured in the Outros Olhares section of the Festival.


Melisinas reviewed in Contacto Newspaper

 As Melusinas à Margem do Rio, by Melanie Pereira, produced by Red Desert, in the Luxembourgish newspaper Contacto, by Tiago Rodrigues.


Lucefece review in Business Doc Europe

Lucefece: where there is no vision, the people will perish, was reviewed in Business Doc Europe by Geoffrey Macnab.
